Real-Time Data Analytics, Controls Integration, and Panel Manufacturing


Why DST?
Our customers tell us that DST is results-oriented, easy to coordinate with, and focused on quality.

See us in action at these technical conference presentations!

Water / Wastewater

  • A large water producer was a sophisticated SCADA user. They use SCADA data to produce and to verify their monthly water production. Before our help, the time to produce an audited production report took two weeks of emails and discussions. Now, authenticated reports are on auditor’s desks in minutes, and a report covering 2000 water sources is done in two days!

  • The water utility commission of a large city wanted to switch from Calendar-based maintenance to Conditions-based maintenance. They wanted to create repair work orders from equipment alarms without manual intervention. So, DST integrated their monitoring system with their work order system and saved them thousands of dollars maintaining critical water pumps.

  • The wastewater utility of a very large city wanted to send biologists to potential trouble spots within 1/2 hour of an incident. Before our help, the response times was measured in hours. Now, biologists are notified within five minutes, and can get to a trouble spot within 20 minutes!

Utilities / Municipalities / Facilities

  • T&D Grid Monitoring: When a transmission line goes out of service, either planned or unplanned. the power flow in the grid changes. T&D control operators needed new monitoring screens to enable them to instantly protect grid integrity. Our system creates a new set of screens in minutes as soon as operators enter line outage parameters. Now, power consumers are unaffected by grid changes.

  • Energy Trading: CA ISO delivers electronic power requests to generation companies every five minutes. Generation control operators must configure their production to deliver the power quickly according to a careful ramp up. Our system automatically connected these requests to generators so that control operators spend their time monitoring generators rather than programming them.

  • Critical Facilities lose money when power is lost or equipment fails causing building temperature to increase. A number of our customers asked us to build monitoring systems that automatically notifies operators when any of these situations develop.

Life Sciences

Process Batch Monitoring with PI

  • A multi-national pharma manufacturer had process data spread across various systems – including paper! To create a report was tedious, slow and error prone. DST did a complete infrastructure upgrade – DST connected all equipment to a secure network, synchronized time servers across the network and implemented the PI system with PI Batch, event frames and Notifications. Today, data is stored reliably and securely, users see one version of truth, operators receive notifications and managers see batch reports quickly.

Non Stop PI

  • A large pharma manufacturer has a plant that produces many products. Process data from all machines needs to be archived 24/7 – even while a machine has an outage! DST developed a “Non Stop PI” system using multiple redundant virtual machines, and re-built their PI system to run on these redundant servers. Today, the system shows no data loss, including when a server fails or when a maintenance update occurs. The staff of this manufacturer is never interrupted by system outages; instead they focus on innovating processes and on product quality rather than infrastructure.